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Meeting #190 with Aletta

Posted by Alison Beere as Webmaster/PR on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, In : Meeting updates 
Thank you to the outgoing Division Governor of Toastmasters Southern Africa, Aletta Rochat, who shared "Reflections of a DG" with us as a Competent Communicator project.

Her inspiring points were that:
  •  holding high office is not about the Wearing the Badge, but about the opportunity to serve and grow
  • things are always personal first, because that is how the Toastmasters organisation best serves the individual member 
  • you have to have a message, otherwise you are just transmitting information.


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Reaching goals + New Members

Posted by LP User on Wednesday, June 10, 2015, In : Meeting updates 
First up, congratulations to our meeting award winners who went home clasping chocolate as always!  Alison Beere (Best Speaker), Sarah Rossouw (Best Evaluator), and guest Zoliswa Gidi (Best Table Topic Speaker)

Nathan Phillander 
was Toastmaster of the day and chose the theme Wonderful Winter to set an upbeat tone in spite of the weather. Thanks Nathan for your energetic and entertaining leadership, and all the best for those university exams next week.

It was a meeting of reaching goals and wel...

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Under New management ;)

Posted by LP User on Monday, May 11, 2015, In : Member involvement 
Alison Beere (Breakfast Club secretary) has taken on the task of dealing with all things web, so watch this space for more Club news!

The big win for Alison is that this relatively small administrative commitment will help her fulfill the requirements of a couple of projects in her Competent Leadership manual, moving her closer to her next achievement.
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